Monday 20 February 2023

When Stomach Acid rises, Do these 6 first aid

Posted by originalmade on Monday 20 February 2023

It is important for you to know first aid when stomach acid rises, especially if you have a history of stomach acid.  This condition not only causes discomfort, but can also get worse if left untreated.

 There are various first aid steps to know.  This step can be done when you don't have medicines when symptoms of increased stomach acid appear.

 This first aid can reduce the discomfort that arises.  Some steps that can be taken include:
 1. Loosen the clothes worn
 When stomach acid rises, it is recommended to loosen the belt or unbutton the pants you are using.  This is because one of the triggers for stomach acid to rise is pressure on the stomach as a result of wearing clothes or pants that are too tight.

 2. Upright sitting position

 If stomach acid rises while lying down, try to get up and sit up straight.  Upright posture can reduce pressure on the valve between the esophagus and stomach, thereby stopping stomach acid from rising.

 3. Elevate head position

 If acid reflux occurs at night or when bedtime arrives, sleep with your head higher.  If necessary, support the waist with a pillow so that the sleeping position forms an angle of 30-45 degrees.  This sleeping position can relieve the discomfort you feel.

 4. Consuming drinks containing ginger

 Ginger is known to contain phenolic acids which are thought to be able to relieve irritation in the digestive tract and prevent stomach acid from rising.

 The content of anti-inflammatory substances in ginger can also relieve nausea which usually also appears when stomach acid rises.

 5. Chewing gum

 Chewing gum can relieve symptoms of increased stomach acid, because the movement of chewing can increase saliva production and make you swallow more.

 This action can dilute and clean stomach acid in the esophagus, so that the symptoms of stomach acid improve.

 6. Consume honey

 Consumption of honey can relieve symptoms of increased stomach acid, because the content in it can protect the esophagus wall from irritation, and even reduce inflammation.

 To get the benefits of this honey, you can consume 1 teaspoon of honey directly or you can mix it in warm water or tea.

 In addition to the above, other steps that can be taken to deal with rising stomach acid are changing eating habits and paying attention to healthy eating patterns such as avoiding foods that are high in fat and spicy.  Also avoid eating large portions, eating too fast, and sleeping after eating.

 Don't forget to control your weight, stop smoking, stop consuming alcoholic beverages, and do regular exercise.

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