Wednesday 4 March 2020


Posted by originalmade on Wednesday 4 March 2020

Kapulaga (Amomum Cardamomum)

Kapulaga (Amomum Cardamomum)  has a very strong aroma compared to other spices. This strong aroma comes from the oil in the seeds of the spice. Cardamom is beneficial to health because it counteracts terpinine, borneol, eucalyptol and limonene.Some of the benefits of Cardamom for health include:

1. Boosts the immune system
 With the pathogen content and antibacterial substances possessed by cardamom plants, the disease-spreading bacteria will be destroyed. Disease will be difficult to enter the body because a strong antibody fortress has been built.

2. For bone health
Vitamin C and manganese are two substances that are needed by the bones to stay healthy and strong. Both of these substances are contained in cardamom. So, if you consume cardamom, then the bones will avoid the problem of loss or osteoporosis.

3. For heart health
By consuming cardamom, the heart can pump blood stably. Healthy heart activity will make blood circulation increase, thereby preventing blood pressure from being too low or too high.

4. For kidney health
Diuretic properties found in cardamom have been studied by several researchers. This research shows that diuretic properties have the ability to prevent diseases that have to do with the bladder. Including kidney disease.

5. Treat digestive disorders
Cardamom has natural ingredients that can make the stomach feel comfortable and make the digestion process smoothly.

7. Treat respiratory disorders
Anti-spasmodic can treat sore throats as well as coughs. You can do this by mixing cardamom stew with honey. Then drink the cooking water regularly.

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