Friday 28 February 2020


Posted by originalmade on Friday 28 February 2020


Kencur (Kaempferia galanga L.) is one type of empon-empon / medicinal plants belonging to the tribe of findings (Zingiberaceae). Rhizome or rhizome of this plant contains essential oils and alkaloids which are used as stimulants. Other names are cekur (Malaysia) and pro hom (Thailand). In international literature (English) chaos often occurs by calling kencur as lesser galangal (Alpinia officinarum) and zedoary (white Intersection), which are actually different species and are not a substitute spice. There are also kencur close relatives who are usually planted in the yard as medicinal plants, meeting rapet (K. rotunda Jacq.), But are easily distinguished from the leaves. The name kencur is borrowed from Sanskrit, kachora, कचोर, which means white Intersection (Curcuma zedoaria).

In kencur, there are a lot of ingredients that are very useful for maintaining health and stamina, including essential oils, starch, cinnamic acid, cinnamon, minerals, sensitivity, metal acid cannil, borneol, ethyl aster, paraeumarin, anisic acid, camphene, gum, alkaloids, and methanol.
That is why there are so many benefits of kencur that you can get if you consume kencur regularly :
1.       As a cold medicine
One of the properties of kencur is as a cold remedy. Catch a cold can strike anyone and at any time.If you are currently experiencing a cold, you should use kencur as a medicine.The method is quite easy, first take one kencur kencur then wash it clean. Eat kencur earlier with salt, do not forget to drink warm water after chewing and do it every two times in one day.
2.       Helps in controlling body cholesterol
The next benefit is the kencur control of body cholesterol. The kencur that you consume can increase the flow of bile.Bile is meant to have a green and bitter color, where the function is to absorb substances in the food well so that bad cholesterol levels in the body can be controlled.
3.       Treating Cough
Not only as a cold medicine and also to control cholesterol, it turns out the benefits of kencur can also be used to treat coughs that have not been severe.The steps are quite easy, i.e. take a few segments of kencur wash clean and peel the skin and then shredded.
Then take the juice of kencur about 250 ml, add a little honey and lime drops. Drink this mixture three times a day, morning, afternoon and night
4.       Increase Body Stamina
Other benefits of kencur are not only used as medicine, but also to increase stamina.
With the demands of work being increasingly dense, maintaining body stamina is very important so that the body is always fit and not easily attacked by various diseases.
To increase stamina, usually the galingale is changed to a drink in the form of kencur rice.
Drink this kencur rice before going to bed regularly so that the aches you experience will decrease, and restore your body's stamina after a day of draining.

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