Monday 26 April 2021


Posted by originalmade on Monday 26 April 2021



You can find mint or peppermint leaves in a variety of servings. Starting from drinks, cooking mixes, to essential oils. Despite their small size, the benefits of mint leaves need not be doubted because they contain nutrients that are good for the body. What are the benefits?


1. Relieves headaches

A 2016 study by Heinze and other Berlin researchers showed that using mint leaf essential oil is as effective as acetylsalicylic acid or paracetamol in relieving tension headaches.

The benefits of mint leaf essential oil can be used as a therapy for treating acute headaches in adults and children over 6 years.

2. Overcoming bad breath

There's a reason chewing gum, toothpaste, mouthwash, or mouth freshener use mint leaves as the main ingredient. Apparently, mint leaves have properties in eliminating bad breath (halistosis). So, using a mint-based product can get rid of bad breath for a few hours.

The fragrance of these leaves can indeed cover up bad breath. However, these leaves cannot reduce the bacteria that cause bad breath. Apart from using products containing peppermint, you can chew mint leaves raw or make a tea stew from these leaves.

3. Relieves symptoms of premenstrual syndrome

During menstruation, many women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or premenstrual syndrome. PMS, one of which is stomach cramps. This condition occurs because the muscles around the uterus are contracting. If you are one of those who experience this condition, you can take advantage of mint leaves.

4. Improve function and brain health

This essential oil can improve concentration, sharpen memory, and increase the speed at which the brain's tasks are processed in the person who inhales it.

Researchers explained that of the 3 tasks assigned to the brain, two of them had a high concentration level in the presence of essential oil from mint leaves.

In addition, the essential oil properties of mint leaves which are also healthy for the brain is to help relieve stress and anxiety.

5. Helps sleep better

As explained earlier, essential oil from mint leaves can relieve anxiety and stress. Well, this property also has an impact on the quality of sleep in people who are stressed or have anxiety disorders.

People with this condition often experience insomnia. They sometimes have trouble getting to sleep, continue to wake up at night, or wake up very early and can't continue sleeping again. With the benefits of mint leaves, chances are they can sleep well. There may also be benefits by drinking this tea before bed.

Healthy tips for consuming mint leaves


You can get the benefits of mint leaves by consuming the leaves directly or using the oil extract.

In choosing which mint leaves are good and suitable for consumption, choose leaves that have a bright green surface and are not stained. To last longer, store mint leaves in a plastic bag or plastic container in the refrigerator for up to one week.

Basically, you can also cultivate or grow your own mint at home. Mint is a plant that does not need a large area or pot. Plant mint seeds in small pots, place them in the kitchen window where there is sunlight.

Water it diligently, within a few weeks the mint is ready to pick and use. Planting mint in your home environment can also help repel ants and flies, as these animals tend to dislike mint's scent.

Like many other herbs, mint leaves can also have side effects on the body. Using too much peppermint essential oil can be toxic.

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