Tuesday 3 March 2020


Posted by originalmade on Tuesday 3 March 2020


Temulawak is a plant that produces rhizomes or root tubers. This plant has properties as an herbal or medicinal plant. These native Indonesian plants live in the plains of Maluku, Java and Kalimantan and belong to the ginger family.

Temulawak contains 48-59.64 percent starch, 1.6-2.2 percent curcumin and 1.48-1.63 percent essential oils and is believed to improve kidney and anti-inflammatory work. Here are some of the benefits of ginger for body health:

Prevent cancer
Temulawak is famous as the ginseng of Indonesia because it has many health benefits for the body. One of the benefits of ginger is to prevent and ward off free radicals that cause cancer cell growth. This herbal plant is believed to be able to help ward off and kill cancer cells even in advanced patients.

Overcoming Digestion Problems
Temulawak can stimulate the production of bile in the gallbladder, then it will help digestion and metabolism of food in the body.This herbal plant is also able to overcome flatulence and increase appetite for children. In addition, ginger is good for people who experience intestinal inflammation for a faster healing process.The curcumin content in ginger is a bioactive substance that is able to fight inflammation. So that ginger is one of the natural remedies in order to overcome a variety of inflammation, including intestinal inflammation.

Overcoming colds
Temulawak can make the body warmer, and reduce nausea caused by colds.

Prevents Acne
Wild Ginger has astringent properties. These compounds are useful for reducing the production of excess oil which causes acne. In addition, the antiseptic content in ginger can also clean the skin from bacteria that cause acne.

Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease
Curcumin in ginger can improve endothelial function which is a layer of blood vessels. Referring to this, temulawak will regulate blood pressure so that it remains normal.

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